My exams are done! After a presentation this week, I will (finally) be an Engineer. Yay!
So, to celebrate my glorious weekend of no homework (there was not a chance I was starting to work on that presentation before Monday!) what did I do with all this TIME!? Party it up? Sleep? Work out? Oh-for-three my friends.
I made bread! Delicious, from scratch, I-know-every-ingredient-in-it Honey Whole Wheat Bread. The recipe and directions are from Matt at BrewandBake - check out
his tutorial on bread making - super informative and helpful! I now know why breads I previously made were so dense - I need to mix them longer, and let them rise way more.
Here's the recipe:
- 2 C Whole-wheat flour
- 2 C Bread-flour (I just used all-purpose, since that's all I had)
- 1.5 C water
- 1.5 t salt
- 1/4 C honey
- 3/4 t of yeast (I'm pretty sure I used way more than this. I used one of those small packages of yeast)
The first step was mixing the whole-wheat flour, 1/2 of the yeast and the water. Let sit for 12-16 hours.
Then, go ahead and add the rest of the ingredients, and mix. Keep mixing! Mix until you can stretch a small piece of dough, like this:

Let the dough rise in a warm place for about 2 hours.
Matt's suggestion was an entertainment center/cable box. Conveniently, Back to the Future III was just starting, so the dough and I hung out for awhile:
After a few hours, fold the dough and let rise again. Then prep for baking, and let rise again for a final proof (there is a lot of Time! involved in this bread). Here the dough is, post rising and proofing, all ready to bake:

After 45 minutes at 350, it looked like this:
Great Scott! That's delicious! I will definitely be making this bread again.