I figure one way to be a better blogger is to tell you a bit about myself. I'm a homebody to the extreme - to me, the idea of heading out to a club or whatevs sounds awful, while a night snuggled up with theHusband, thePuppy along with some wine and PJ's sounds perfect. I'm an optimist. After I finish a term project and write three exams I'll be able to call myself an Engineer. I love to read. I love to cook. I've struggled with my weight since I was about 13. The current stuggle is finding time to work out and meal plan. I'm starting grad school in a month. Probably won't help with the time struggle. I love budgeting.
I think that's all for now! How about a few pictures?
This is thePuppy. Isn't she cute!?

This is TheHusband and I, on our wedding day. Pretty cute, eh!

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